Sunday, June 25, 2006

We are rude???

Are we rude? Or are we rude?
My take? We’re lacking in courtesy.

Here is the list of things I encountered over the week that brought me to that conclusion.
1) We don’t greet people unless we know them. And we don’t smile often enough. When I was young, I used o wonder why white uncles and aunties would say hi to me when they stepped into an elevator with us when neither my parents nor I know who they are. Took me awhile to figure out that it was just the way those people are.
2) We don’t give way much. ESPECIALLY when driving. Part of it could be due to the fact that if you give way to one car, another 10 cars wanna do same. And people don’t thank you for letting them cut in. Instead, they drive even slower and make you wonder what the hell they were hurrying to cut into your lane for.
3) Selective chivalry is prevalent in this country. Most guys I know who hold doors open for ladies are the ones who have been overseas or the ones who mix around with people who have been overseas. And some of them don’t hold the door open for all women. Just those whom they fancy. If the girl is pretty/young or both, they hold the door open. If it’s a babe carrying a baby, they hold the door open. However, if it’s some aunty/makcik with a fat ass, they pretend they didn’t see her.
4) Some people cut queues and feign ignorance. Even when you say “Excuse me, I believe I was here first.” They just shoot you a blank look. And most cashiers won’t stand up for you.
5) Our middle finger now plays a more active role in our daily lives. People don’t hesitate to use it. Once upon a time, we’d only use it under extreme conditions. But I guess our road conditions nowadays can be deemed as extreme.
6) MAS stewardesses. If you’re Caucasian and male: “Would you like some coffee or tea, sir?” If you’re Caucasian female: “Coffee or tea for you, ma’am?” If you’re Malaysian female: “You want coffee or tea?”
7) Many of us do not mind our P’s and Q’s. How many of us actually end our requests with ‘please’? And how many of us actually say ‘thank you’ when we receive something?

I think over the years, as we become a more economically progressive nation, we compromise our social skills. We skew towards being selfish and adopt I’m-number-one, Ah-never-mind, and Who-cares kind of attitude. We care about ourselves and ourselves only. We may be heading towards a developed nation status in terms of skyscrapers but some of us are still very much third world in terms of mentality.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldn't say u're wrong. but not entirely correct either.

m'sia is a mix bag. like someone compressed a whole bunch of nice stuffs with a whole bunch of really nasty crap.

i'd nod when somebody notice something bad, but i wouldn't dare ignore all the good stuffs.

12:37 AM  

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